
How to Graphic Design

We work with quite a diverse range of clients, each with their own design needs and often in a phase of their growth where their brand is becoming a bigger area of focus. Whilst trying to translate client expectations into a verbal and visual language that can capture the hearts and minds of their clients, we’ve run into a number of hurdles that can throw even an experienced designer into a tailspin.

Whether you’ve been working for a few years or you’ve just recently graduated, here are our top tips for some fairly common (and seemingly obvious) design hiccups, hopefully you find them as useful as we do.



It often happens that a client will request a piece of work that requires sponsor logos. More often than not the client doesn’t actually have those logos in a PDF or PNG, so what is a designer to do? Cry under your desk a little? Well maybe, but when you’re done with that, look up or Both of these sites provide you with vector logos of popular (and some less popular) brands.


Equally as often, a client will ask you to change something on a piece of work that you didn’t originally design, and they either don’t have the PDF or you find that the previous designer outlined the text (stop doing this, it’s not nice). No big deal, just ask the client what the font was. Problem solved right. Wait what? The client doesn’t know what font was used? No real surprise there. We’re sure there are probably more ways to do this, but these two work for us.

Fount will tell you which web font in your font-stack you are actually seeing – not just what is supposed to be seen. It’ll also tell you the font size, weight, and style. This only works online, but most likely the client will have a website.

This site is less accurate, but it will give you an almost identical font if it can’t find the actual one. The best part, it reads fonts off of JPEG’s and PNG’s.

Found these tips helpful? Remember to share this post to your favourite social media platform and help another designer friend in need. Sharing is caring ❤️ View our Brand Development & Design services here.

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